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Sarah Bartmann Centre of Remembrance

On 02, May 2020 | In | By admin

Sarah Bartmann Centre of Remembrance

I have come to take you home
where I will sing for you,
for you have brought me peace,
for you have brought us peace.

Diana Ferrus



Parts & Labour answered a nation wide call from the Sarah Bartmann Centre of Remembrance for the design and implementation of six artworks throughout the centre, of which P&L was awarded two.

In the development of the project, P&L assembled a team of professionals including Craig McClenaghan, Helene Smuts, Churchill Madikida and Carina Comrie to assemble a curated exhibition of sculptural artworks that challenged complex identities, racial status qous, sexuality, masculinity and naming conventions within a fractured South African context through the lens of Sarah Bartmann, a young woman of ‘Khoi’ descent,  who was exploited in Europe in the 18th Century.

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Drawings in the Sky | 2016/15/14 Drawings in the Sky | 2016/15/14 Drawings in the Sky | 2016/15/14 Drawings in the Sky | 2016/15/14

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On 31, Oct 2016 | In | By admin

Drawings in the Sky | 2016/15/14

The third edition of Drawings in the Sky took place during Art Week Joburg and the FNB Joburg Art Fair from the 1st – 23rd September 2016.

Parts & Labour has worked with four local artists to create unique video pieces that will run sporadically during the course of the two weeks.

The artists are:  Robyn Penn, Usha Seejarim and Turiya Magadlela.

Special thanks to Absa for their support and collaboration on this project.

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Drawings in the Sky | 2015 Drawings in the Sky | 2015 Drawings in the Sky | 2015 Drawings in the Sky | 2015

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On 08, Sep 2015 | In | By admin

Drawings in the Sky | 2015

The second edition of Drawings in the Sky took place over Art Week Joburg 2015. Parts & Labour worked with four local artists to create unique video pieces that ran sporadically from the 7th September – 19th September 2015.

The artists were: Faith47, Maja Maljević, Haroon Gunn-Salie and Simon Gush.

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Dazzle Scraper | Stpehen Hobbs | 2014 Dazzle Scraper | Stpehen Hobbs | 2014 Dazzle Scraper | Stpehen Hobbs | 2014

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On 05, Jun 2015 | In | By admin

Dazzle Scraper | Stpehen Hobbs | 2014

Dazzle Scraper was a proposal to Coca-Cola to install a artwork onto the Coca-Cola building in Johannesburg CBD.

The proposal was a collaboration betwenn Stephen Hobbs, the artist, and Parts & Labour.

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Artright | 2010 Artright | 2010

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On 07, Jan 2013 | In | By admin

Artright | 2010

ARTRIGHT is a resource of business, legal and educational information for the South African visual arts community, whose focus is to simplify business and art related activities.

The project was established with the help of VANSA and the WITS School of Arts.

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