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Mapungubwe Collection | 2019

On 25, May 2020 | In | By admin

Mapungubwe Collection | 2019

‘Positioned at the south of the continent where the Limpopo River and Shashe River’s confluence bordered by the countries of South Africa, Botswana and Zimbabwe-a stark reminder of a colonial legacy superimposed upon an ancient southern African civilization – the gold of Mapungubwe was unearthed in 1933 on the summit of Mapungubwe hill.

Dr. Sian Tiley-Nel’s long-term scholarly and curatorial research provides a vivid picture of this power exploring as it does the indigenous craftsmanship and techniques employed by the artisans of Mapungubwe.’

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The Gold of Africa Collection | 2019

On 20, May 2020 | In | By admin

The Gold of Africa Collection | 2019

‘African Gold! The ring of this echoes across the continent with stories, characters and myths, which defines the mystique of this magical and precious metal. Legends of King Solomon’s mines, the Queen of Sheba, Prester John, Mansa Musa, and the civilizations of Great Zimbabwe and Mapungubwe find resonance with these narratives merging fact with fiction. Carried through the Sahara, down the Nile via the Mediterranean sea and across the vast East Coast Indian Ocean trade network, African gold became the currency of kings and the symbol of power and wealth the world over.’

Parts&Labour worked with the Javett Art Centre at the University of Pretoria to develop and install an exhibition from the Gold of Africa Collection

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Sarah Bartmann Centre of Remembrance

On 02, May 2020 | In | By admin

Sarah Bartmann Centre of Remembrance

I have come to take you home
where I will sing for you,
for you have brought me peace,
for you have brought us peace.

Diana Ferrus



Parts & Labour answered a nation wide call from the Sarah Bartmann Centre of Remembrance for the design and implementation of six artworks throughout the centre, of which P&L was awarded two.

In the development of the project, P&L assembled a team of professionals including Craig McClenaghan, Helene Smuts, Churchill Madikida and Carina Comrie to assemble a curated exhibition of sculptural artworks that challenged complex identities, racial status qous, sexuality, masculinity and naming conventions within a fractured South African context through the lens of Sarah Bartmann, a young woman of ‘Khoi’ descent,  who was exploited in Europe in the 18th Century.

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Mandela Capture Site Exhibition Mandela Capture Site Exhibition Mandela Capture Site Exhibition Mandela Capture Site Exhibition

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On 20, May 2017 | In | By admin

Mandela Capture Site Exhibition

The Nelson Mandela Capture Site in Howick has been undergoing a site upgrade which includes a new 2000 m2 Visitor Centre. Parts & Labour has been working with the Apartheid Museum to develop the exhibition including a 60m synchronized surround film and a 20m long light box display with historical content.

The Visitor Centre is set to change the way South African audiences interact with museums. The hope is the museum will be the premier historical museum in KZN Natal and a leader in the way historical museums are viewed.

The Capture Site already draws tens of thousands of national and international visitors yearly through the success of Release, a sculpture of Nelson Mandela by Marco Cianfanelli and Jeremy Rose.

The Visitor Centre opened in December 2019.

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Letseng Diamond Discovery Centre | Trace | 2016 Letseng Diamond Discovery Centre | Trace | 2016

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On 19, Aug 2016 | In | By admin

Letseng Diamond Discovery Centre | Trace | 2016

Diamonds, made of the dust of the earth and of the stars, are magical gemstones.

They have a long been treasured as beautiful objects of desire. They were used as religious icons in India at least 2,500 years ago—and were used in drill bits and engraving tools since early human history.

Parts & Labour worked on the Letseng Diamond Discovery Centre in Maseru, Lesotho to manage and implement the project curated and designed by Trace.

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